Spooky Cat Fact: Cats are Magic Healers

Spooky Cat Fact: Cats are Magic Healers

Having a cat is a healthy, magical experience. It's good for your heart. Literally.
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Cats are Magical Healers 

When your kitty purrs, it's not just because they like you. They're also healing themselves. Cats purr at a frequency between 25 and 150 hertz, or a 'healing' frequency. The vibrations help their bones and muscles both grow and repair, even while they're snoozing. They're not taking care of themselves, though. Studies show that having a cat as a pet can reduce your risk of having heart problems and strokes. 
So go thank your little kitty cleric. And get Zombie Kittens today for more spooky fun. 

Artwork by Caroline Quach


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